I love making foil packet dinners. Who wouldn't love a full dinner with virtually no dishes to wash afterwards? This flavorful packet has tender, moist...
An old recipe I got from my Grandmother for a classic New Orleans dish! Redfish, in a simple, delicious, almost creamy tomato style sauce! Simple and superb!!!...
Incredible Caribbean Style Yellowtail. My Grandfather used to prepare this dish aboard his 20 foot skiff during the spring months in the 70's off the Channel...
Simple, easy fish recipe. Any white fish will do! And even the kids will eat up the spinach! (My four year old loves this dish!) This recipe was passed...
This has become our favorite fish recipe. Besides being very tasty, it is a quick and easy recipe. We use black cod (US name) or sablefish. Pollock can...
Incredible Caribbean Style Yellowtail. My Grandfather used to prepare this dish aboard his 20 foot skiff during the spring months in the 70's off the Channel...
This is a variation on a simpler dinner I wanted to add some more flavor to. The added flavor comes from North African spices. The broth used to poach...
An Italian classic. Sweet, salty, and spicy flavors combine in this unique and tasty pasta and broccoli dish. This dish benefits from being richly coated...
Not up for cooking? No problem - we have just the recipe for you. No oven, hob or barbecue is needed for this hot-smoked salmon salad. Just a kettle, a...
Sri Lankan ambulthiyal(sour fish curry). A must-try Sri Lankan fish curry. Made with goraka and black pepper, not only gives the fish ambulthiyal curry...
People are scared of skate, one of the finest and most delicious fish of all. But don't be: the flesh slides away from those ribby, gelatinous bones with...
Virtually every beer-battered fish recipe looks crispy coming out of the fryer, and some even stay crispy for a few minutes, but then the inevitable sogginess...
I have to admit I don't do heat very well. I absolutely love the fact that we're having a proper summer - the kind I remember as a child when it seemed...
Editor's Note: Fish often gets overlooked as an option for easy weeknight dinners, but this Baked Porgy recipe is a delicious alternative to chicken or...
Mackerel is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, is super-rich in protein and packed with iodine, which, through our thyroid gland, helps our metabolism...
This recipe, invented by my good friend Lin Cooper, started life under the grill, but now, in my attempt to more or less eliminate the grill, I'm happy...
Sea bass baked in foil Ligurian Style is a very simple Italian fish recipe, full of Mediterranean taste and aromas, made with potatoes, cherry tomatoes...
Smoked haddock makes a very fine soup, and this I've adapted from a famous version invented in Scotland, where it is called Cullen Skink. If you add poached...
Nothing beats fresh trout, especially when it is stuffed with a fresh dill and lemon bread stuffing. The fresh flavors of this dish will leave your mouth...
This summer in Fort Bragg, my husband went on a fishing charter and came back to the campground with a lot of fresh caught Cod. We came up with this recipe,...
I created this recipe by combining a tasty sole fish with a cracker crumb coating, adapted from the way that I used to pan-fry the fish I caught from the...
I use basa fish fillets. They are mild, sweet, firm-textured and can be dressed up with just about anything. There aren't many recipes for basa out there,...
Nothing beats fresh trout, especially when it is stuffed with a fresh dill and lemon bread stuffing. The fresh flavors of this dish will leave your mouth...
Use Boursin or Allouette Cheese and canned tomatoes seasoned with onion, peppers and garlic to make this dish with fresh cod. It's an outstanding fish...
An old recipe I got from my Grandmother for a classic New Orleans dish! Redfish, in a simple, delicious, almost creamy tomato style sauce! Simple and superb!!!...